“PAWS” & Reflect

The acronym associated with PAWS and Reflect provides a great way to remember the following steps:

Be Present:  Pausing and reflecting offers us a moment to take in the present moment and pay attention on purpose.  What do you see?  What do you hear?  What do you smell?  What do you feel?  These are all great questions to ground you in the present moment, the only moment we can truly control. The best selling author Eckhart Tolle teaches that anxiety, stress, tension, guilt, and regret result from living too much in the past and future and not experiencing enough presence.

Another mantra I learned while listening to a meditation by Joseph Goldstein in the app 10% Happier is “Right now it’s like this.” I love that! It’s so freeing. It gives us permission to be in the present moment.

Be Appreciative:  It’s been said that we can’t feel fear and gratitude in the same moment. Implementing a daily practice of gratitude, such as a gratitude journal, can be life changing. We can actually train our brain to look for the positive things happening throughout our day.

Be Without resistance: “Resistance to the uncomfortable event is the root of suffering.” -Author unknown

I love this quote because it reminds us that at times our resistance to change is what can cause discomfort in our lives.  A great image of this is a palm tree.  I once read how these strong, tall trees often make it through the most intense storms and high-powered winds because they seem to sway and bend with the gusts of wind.  Other trees, which are also truly magnificent, have more trouble weathering a strong storm because their branches are rigid and unbending, and they often snap from the pressure of the wind.

This image always makes me ponder: am I a palm tree today in my “storm” of stress that is concerning me?


Be Still:  Such a simple concept. Be still, or just be. To be still sounds quite easy but in today’s fast paced, upside down world full of health fears, stopping to be still seems impossible at times. Start with just a minute or two.  Just being still and mindful of the present moment. (Remember the questions… What do you see?  What do you hear?  What do you smell?  What do you feel?) It’s okay to feel distracted, just notice that and keep being present. Most importantly, don’t be frustrated with yourself. Be patient and kind as you find these new healthy routines enter your day. You wouldn’t expect to run a race without practice and preparation. Offer the same kindness to your brain as you build in moments of quiet.

Take some time each day to build in the moments to be still and present.  Your body and mind will feel more relaxed, happier, and more peaceful.

We often find time to prepare our “outside self” for the day.  We shower, apply makeup, get dressed, etc… but we sometimes forget that the inside is very important, too. Take some time to PAWS and Reflect.

Use these important tips found in PAWS and Reflect to take care of yourself.

Wishing you a “PAWSitively” peaceful day! 😊

If you’re depressed you’re living in the past.

 If you’re anxious you’re living in the future. 

If you’re at peace you’re living in the present moment. – Lao Tzu